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Fred Streed: A Cosmotheist Dialogue


Introduction by William White Williams: “In 1978 a group of members who were especially interested in the religious or spiritual aspects of the National Alliance’s work organized the Cosmotheist Community Church.” That sentence from page 17 of the 1993 edition of William Pierce’s National Alliance Membership Handbook was removed in the 2005 edition — along with several other crucial passages, including pages 46-51, which described Christianity as an opposed ideology.

Additionally, entire paragraphs were removed from the section on general principles of National Alliance ideology and were replaced by a watered-down section on religion (p. 24), which stated, “Our membership consists of a variety of beliefs. A member may be very religious or very non-religious.”

Why did Erich Gliebe and Shaun Walker decide to remove those sections?

Gliebe and Walker made a mess of the Alliance Handbook because they wanted a “bigger tent”; they wanted to make the Alliance “Christian-friendly” in hopes — vain hopes, as it turned out — that more Christians would join us because they’d no longer be offended by the fundamentally Cosmotheist underpinnings of Alliance ideology. Cosmotheism is the philosophy that undergirds all of the Alliance’s ideals and undertakings — and it is absolutely incompatible with a Semitic religion that worships the Jews’ tribal god.

One of William Pierce’s closest friends and long-term associates, Mr. Fred Streed, was in charge of the infrastructure and physical plant at the National Office for 11 years — not to mention that he was appointed by Dr. Pierce to be president of the National Alliance Board of Directors. Mr. Streed’s understanding of Alliance ideology is unquestioned, and he has steadfastly maintained that the Alliance should never compromise its Cosmotheist roots. Recently, Mr. Streed engaged in a very valuable dialogue on Cosmotheism with a number of critics and questioners, which we’re proud to share with you this month.

A Cosmotheist Dialogue

by Fred Streed

Q: Why doesn’t the Alliance stick with Christianity and try to reform it?

A: Superstition passed off as religion is not a real option. If it were reformed to the point where it did not violate the laws of Nature, or resort to spiritual terrorism, it would no longer be Christianity anyway. Christianity needs to be realistically scrutinized, not reformed.

Q: My interest in Cosmotheism, such as it is, is in understanding why Dr. Pierce believed it to be necessary.

A: It is necessary because it is reality. It is necessary because Whites have a strong need for purpose in life. That need gets subverted by superstitious claptrap like Christianity. Cosmotheism is an understanding that our lives are lived in this physical world, not some otherworldly, pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die foolishness. Our one purpose is to advance life.

Q: Cosmotheism is okay, but the name is ridiculous — Scientology-level ridiculous — but there’s a lot of good stuff there.

A: Dr. Pierce didn’t invent the name; it was already in use. Call it Pantheism or Panentheism if it bothers you that much. Or invent a new name. It will still be Cosmotheism by the accepted definition. Dr. Pierce also didn’t invent most of the concepts embodied in it. It’s more a discovery of what is true than an invention of anything. Some seem Hell-bent on the idea that Cosmotheism is some kind of cult religion. It’s not. Some evidently understand neither what it is nor its purpose. Others, I suspect, deliberately pretend it is a cult of made-up hokum like Scientology or Mormonism because they have an agenda of their own — and that agenda isn’t the preservation and advancement of the White race.

Cosmotheism defined, according to Webster’s New International Dictionary, 2d edition; 1934: “[cosmo-+-theism.] Ascription of divinity to the cosmos; identification of God with the world. Compare: PANTHEISM”

Q: Strictly speaking, Cosmotheism isn’t a religion, in much the same way as Buddhism — or ancestor-worship — devoid of folk beliefs and the like, isn’t a religion.

A: I would disagree with you there. I would say Cosmotheism is a true religion — and Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are not religions, but superstition operating under the cover of religion. I don’t know how many times I have had some Christian tell me to “look up on a starry night and then try to deny there is a God.” Truth is, I do experience a religious feeling of awe when I look at the Milky Way and reflect on the vastness of the Universe, the beauty, the grand scope of it all. But that doesn’t make me think there has to be some transcendent Hebraic spook behind it all. There is an irony in a Christian tapping into a bit of genuine religion to justify his Bible-based nonsense.

Cosmotheism is simply a religious world-view based on a scientific understanding of Nature, at least to the extent we do understand reality. Scientific advances that alter our understanding of reality also help us achieve the one Purpose of life, which is to advance to higher states of consciousness and understanding. That is what Cosmotheism is. Contrast that with the dogma of the Christian churches, which resists changes in our understanding.

Q: If you really want to find religious elements in the National Alliance, just look at the way Dr. Pierce is treated nowadays. He was probably the most significant person in American racial nationalist thought, and was a great leader (let’s face it, making intelligent and willful White folks pull together is about the hardest thing that a man can do), but where is the evolution of thought, and of the movement, that he started? It seems to have stopped when he died.

A: Nothing has stopped. His ideas are standing the test of time rather nicely. He is still widely read and quoted; his ideas still inspire.

Q: Where does the Jew fit into this Cosmotheist world view?

A: Life, at least life on this planet, as we all know, advances by becoming better adapted to its environment — it evolves new forms to take advantage of new or changed environments. Less adapted, less fit, life forms cannot compete, and are displaced and die out. Much environmental change has been random, a throw of the dice if you will, yet has served well to challenge and advance life to ever-higher states. The asteroid or comet that struck the Earth 65 million years ago and wiped out most of the then-existing species, including most or all of the dinosaurs, was one of those random events.

That event opened up ecological niches that had once been occupied by dinosaurs and other now-extinct animals. The small furry creatures who were the ancestors of all of today’s mammals — including us — were able to diversify and exploit those niches, something they could not do while they served as dinosaur food. There have been several of these “extinction events” in the half billion years or so since complex multicellular life began; the one that wiped out the dinosaurs being the most recent.

The point of all that is that advancement in the complexity and fitness of life came about as a result of competition and the overcoming of adversity. That is where the Jew comes into the picture. The Jew is destruction incarnate. He is parasitism and degeneracy and chaos, toxic to all life. He is self-selected for this role. His purpose is to winnow the chaff from the grain, metaphorically speaking. The Jew brings rot and decadence. His personality is toxic. This shows in the Jews’ preference for scatological humor, their championing of the sick, the weak, the base. But nowhere is it more clear than in their attacks on human sexuality, that most sacred of all our drives. The Jew poisons our reproductive urge with his promotion of homosexual sex, abortion, interracial sex, feminism, “gay” marriage, and endless further combinations of filth and degeneracy. He counters our art with anti-art, he counters our high culture with trash cinema and boob-tube debauchery, he counters our sacred genome with the promotion of mixing with Congoids and Mestizos.

At some level the Jew knows exactly what he is, subconsciously or consciously. That is why he is so extremely sensitive to any resistance to his destructiveness. It also explains his fascination with the “Holocaust” that didn’t happen. He is obsessed with the idea that some day he will be called to account for his depredations. He knows that truth cannot be covered up indefinitely and that justice cannot be evaded forever.

The Jew, of course, springs from the same Creator/universe as we do. His purpose is to weed out the weak and degenerate among us. That doesn’t mean he is not evil: If we understand evil to be anything that hinders the One Purpose, which is ever higher levels of consciousness, then he is indeed evil. He is an integral part of a duality that is actually different manifestations of the One, which is the all. The Jew exists for us to defeat. If we do not defeat him, we will die — and, in fact, will have proved ourselves unworthy of life. To fail at that task will consign our race to the grave forever, and probably will mean the extinction of life on this planet.

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Source: National Alliance BULLETIN, March 2015; to receive the BULLETIN, contact the National Alliance

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